• +91 8130552292
  • info@acmeorganicsindia.com
  • ACME Organics Pvt. Ltd.



Fire & safety

The company’s plant at Sikandrabad is equipped with all necessary fire fighting equipments. A mock drill is conducted in every 2 months with the staffs and labor where they are given a proper training which help them to evaluate readiness of all Fire Safety arrangements.

Medical facilities

Acme has set up a medical room in the factory premises with necessary first aid kit and medical couches where, someone who is injured or ill can be taken for first aid and to await the arrival of professional emergency medical services. A doctor also visits the company twice a month and records the check-ups of the labors.


Our company recognizes the need to protect the natural environment. Keeping our environment clean and unpolluted is a benefit to all. We’ll always follow best practices when disposing garbage and using chemical substances.

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